the holiday give

Did you hear?

It is now "Giving Tuesday" - FOREVER!

Every year in December, "Giving Tuesday" puts the spotlight on giving back and reminds us how good it feels to pay it forward.

But why do we always need reminding? And why do we only activate our charitable giving once a year?

There is so much need in this city and so many worthy causes to support that, in many ways, the hardest thing is deciding where to place your efforts. Every year we try to answer the simple question: is this charity meaningful to me?

This year, for Duck-Wright, it was The Riverdale Basket Brigade. We LOVE this local charity and everyone involved with it. An incredible group of volunteers have been hand-delivering holiday food boxes to families in need in Toronto's east end since 2017. The best thing about supporting The Riverdale Basket Brigade is knowing exactly what your donation is going to provide, our donation is going to provide three families a beautiful holiday meal, in addition to a $50 gift card for household necessities. That feels good.

We urge you, if you haven't already, to find the charity that speaks to you this season. Helping others is always the best way to get into the holiday spirit - so please give generously.




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